We are totally impressed by the service level, dedication, hardwork, talent and the amiable experience that we had with this special Manhattan team for our wedding photos.

Our coordinator Donna is extremely helpful, funny and friendly lady who goes the extra mile to ensure all requests are in check and that we are well taken care of. There is transparency in costs here and if you are unsure you can always ask and there isn’t any hidden costs.

I am really excited to choose my wedding gown as they have so many pretty ones! I did my fair share of homework and show the style I like(which is many pictures) to Yvonne my bridal wear consultant, and in a heartbeat she selected the style I like for me to pick from and I must say she knows my taste ^^ so that really shorten the bridezilla moment of dresses dilemma lol.

With dresses done and I met my stylist 依涵. She is really awesome in styling and makeup, she went with us to the outdoor shoot and she is super helpful in changing my style/clothes and ensuring I look super tip top for nice photo taking ^^

We have requested to go to a outdoor shoot location in miaoli which is really far from taipei (10 hours drive to and fro), because we totally love the location, and the coordinators agreed to our request and we went on a mini road trip with a great team whom are extremely professional and took care of us.

And I must say the pictures taken are all super well shot by our photographer 小彥! Her photos of us exudes stories, feelings and emotions all well enacted in a shot. We are very impressed by her skills and dedication, and she understands the concept that I have in mind and simply click it in a photo shot 🙂 超神的! And she is super funny and we are really happy and lucky that she is our photographer!😆

And we have our lighting/photography professional Leo, which is super dedicated and help us in countless of ways carrying our items, ensuring things are not lost, helping the photographer to guide us 🙂

When we are back to choose photos, there wasn’t any pressure to add any pictures nor hard selling, but eventually we did top up photos because it’s so hard to delete much as most shots are too well taken! As well as our very helpful xiaomei lily who is very smart and hardworking, she is really a great help to all of us in sorting out the photos too ^^

Overall, we had an experience that well overshot our expectations and they are really nice people that we look forward to see them when they come visit in Singapore! Thank you once again Donna, 小彥, 依涵, Leo, Lily and Yvonne, 你們太棒了❤







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